Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Conservation of the Homo sapiens: The survival of the Wise; on the Cybernetics of education


This book harnesses natural sciences to humanities vigorously through cybernetics, to construct a holistic expression of the Real-living-systems which would work for educators and environmental ethicists

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First published on 4/42014

هوموسيبيان هو الإسم العلمي للبشر كسلالة من ضمن سلالات الكائنات الحية على الأرض. كتاب "الحفاظ على البشرية" يبين أن الإنسان، وإن تشابه عضوياً مع باقي الكائنات، إلا أنه يتميز بالقدرة على السيبرنطيكا. الكتاب يشرح دور هذه القدرة في بناء الهوية البشرية وإعادة صياغة البيئة. وهو يشرح بشكل علمي دور التعليم في صياغة الضمير الإنساني وإعادة صياغة الأشياء. هذا الكتاب في تكامل العلوم والفلسفات.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Science and Theology - A book

This book is on the unity of sciences and people.

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Do NOT copy from this blog without prior permission from the author.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cybernetics and Ecological Ethics

Peterson (1999) in an attempt to reach a balanced approach to nature - which would work for environmental ethics - summarises several relevant perspectives: For constructivists, nature is appreciated as a cultural byproduct. It is either structured exclusively through the cultural interpretation of the correspondent natural objects, or physically constructed by and through human cultures. Naturalists, on the other hand, regard human beings as one species among millions of other living organisms and natural objects contributing to the structure of life on earth.
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