Illustrations from:
* the Conservation of the Homo sapiens: The survival of the Wise; on the Cybernetics of Education.
> The Cybernetics of Education©
Shows how education shapes our humanity and the environment.
> Quality education and sustainable development: A circular causal relationship©.
* the Conservation of the Homo sapiens: The survival of the Wise; on the Cybernetics of Education.
> The Cybernetics of Education©
Shows how education shapes our humanity and the environment.
> Quality education and sustainable development: A circular causal relationship©.
> The Cybernetics Phylogeny©
(The Real-living-system perspective©)
My proposal that human kind is a sociophysiobiological kingdom© and not just another species.
> An evolutionary simplified perspective of education for sustainable development©.
> Education for Sustainable Development
> Cycle of Human Needs©.
To propose that human needs go in a cycle rather than an hierarchy.
> Democracy and violence against women - The vicious circle.
> The design of Sinai Sustainability Cybernetics Center©
Sinai Sustainability Cybernetics Center (the Narrative)
Sinai Sustainability Cybernetics Center (TV interview - Arabic)
One minute video. (28/01/2013)
TV interview (Arabic)
> Dynamic Permaculture preliminary designs [IPNAMME]
> Innovation Cycle - Life Science, added on 06/05/2015.