Showing posts with label homo sapiens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homo sapiens. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2020

On The Cybernetic Recombination and the Biology of Technology; Revisiting Linnaeus' Kingdom Minerals



Understanding the biology of technology is the only way - if any, to preserve nature and humanity.

This book is not a piece of science fiction, prediction or a clever projection but is a proposed correction of taxonomy to represent the status quo of humanity and life as is and has been for thousands of years.

Distinctive concepts presented in the book are:
  • The Cybernetic recombination (versus biological recombination and cosmological recombination).
  • The proposal that machines behave as species (associated organisms initially) backed by examples from nature and several illustrations.
  • The proposal that we are not just another species and the devaluation of Darwin's outdated proposition that the human intellect is only different from that of animals in degree not in kind.
  • Machines as a Cybernetic replicators (versus a biological replicator)
  • Culture as a virus-like DNA supplement (As presented by Leslie White -> Culture = Energy x Technology (C= E*T)).
  • A new taxonomic order comprising the contemporary human, culture, and machines (The Homocybernetica). 
  • The proposal to reinstate Linnaeus' Kingdom Minerals as a supra-domain of life to liberate biology from the limitation of protein.

Reviews are much appreciated.

Gihan Soliman

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Between the "Conservation of the Homo sapiens" 2014 & BBC 2015's best seller: Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind


Although the general framework, findings and the titles of the two books appear to be amazingly close; The prize-winner, in his TV interview with the BBC  oversimplifies the issue of abstraction (what he calls "imagination"), and presents a couple of slightly distorted facts, such as that the difference between our species and the previous human species is not in the "brain"; stating that the most-recent previous human species (Neanderthals) had bigger brains, without any reference to areas of growth, shrinking or development. In all cases, it conflicts with his own findings: If the difference lies only in the faculty of "imagination", as he argues, or in "abstraction, conceptualization and strategic planning" (among other factors) as I argued, then it has - one way or another, to relate to the brain. Here is a quick comparison between the two arguments in six points, listed neatly in one table.

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.

~ Albert Einstein

Conservation of the Homo sapiens: The survival of the Wise; on the Cybernetics of education;


Gihan Sami Soliman

Published April 2014

 (284678811©1/3/2014 UK Copyright Registration Service)

BBC bestseller

Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind


Yuval Noah Harari

Published 4 Sep 2014

 Based on a BBC interview with the author of the latter on what makes us human.


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For those interested in interdisciplinary perspectives. 

My argument on what makes us human.

#~#~#~# New Concepts #~#~#~#:

* The Real-living-system Theory.* The sociophysiobiological kingom.* The Cybernetic Phylogeny.

More Cybernetics designs and  illustrations on MY Own Education.

Copyrights 2011-2015.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


لسنا كباقي الكائنات

This open letter has been e-mailed to the IUCN World Park Congress 2014.


The letter/study is:

- about the necessity of collective self-awareness, unity and global governance.
An argument that the human kind is not just another species and that based on our extended phenotype we qualify as a separate kingdom of life; a sociophysiobiological kingdom with an illustration of a "Cybernetic Phylogeny";

- an expression of the human life-organisation in light of the "living-system theory" (Grier Miller cited in Umpleby, 2007), the "structure determinism" (Maturana and Valera, 1928) and the "Holistic Darwinism" (Corning, 1997).

The letter/study brings no new scientific discovery to the table, but by harnessing the existent knowledge through cybernetics, as I propose, a new multi-perspective model of the human life-organisation has simultaneously emerged.

I call this perspective: The Real-living-system.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Cybernetic - Illustrations & designs

Illustrations from:

* the Conservation of the Homo sapiens: The survival of the Wise; on the Cybernetics of Education.

The Cybernetics of Education©
Shows how education shapes our humanity and the environment.

Quality education and sustainable development: A circular causal relationship©.

The Cybernetics Phylogeny©

(The Real-living-system perspective©)
My proposal that human kind is a sociophysiobiological kingdom© and not just another species.

> An evolutionary simplified perspective of education for sustainable development©. 

Education for Sustainable Development

> Cycle of Human Needs©
To propose that human needs go in a cycle rather than an hierarchy.

> Democracy and violence against women - The vicious circle.

> The design of Sinai Sustainability Cybernetics Center©
Sinai Sustainability Cybernetics Center (the Narrative)

Sinai Sustainability Cybernetics Center (TV interview - Arabic)
One minute video. (28/01/2013)
TV interview (Arabic)

> Dynamic Permaculture preliminary designs [IPNAMME]

> Innovation Cycle - Life Science, added on 06/05/2015.