Showing posts with label cybernetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cybernetics. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Adventures of Natomi, a Nitrogen Atom on Earth and in Space


Once upon a time, I lived in the vast expanse of Earth's atmosphere.

My name is Natomi. A nitrogen atom. In our chemical species, we form

strong bonds with each other. Each couple is called N2. We are very

important to life. My family and I form about 78% of Earth's

atmosphere, making us the most abundant chemical species in air.. I

mostly live in the atmosphere with my family and peers drifting through

the skies for millions of years, enjoying the freedom of the open air..

Let me tell you about some of my adventures and various forms I get into

throughout my long life;

A few million years ago, I met an old family member, another nitrogen atom

named Nate. We were thrilled to see each other and decided to bond

together, forming a molecule of nitrogen gas (N₂). We floated together,

sharing stories of our journeys and the places we had been.

Our reunion was short-lived, however, as we were soon captured by a group

of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil. The bacteria transformed us each

into ammonia (NH₃). I realised that this was just another step in my endless

cycle. I was taken up by the roots of a nearby plant, where I became part

of the plant's structure. I occur in all organisms, primarily in amino acids

(and thus proteins), in the nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and in the energy

transfer molecule adenosine triphosphate.

As the plant grows,I get consumed by a grazing animal. I travel through

the animal's body, becoming part of its tissues and helping it grow

strong. When the animal excretes waste or eventually dies - I find myself

back in the soil. I break down from other elements and tissues with the help

of archaea, bacteria, and fungi. Then, into the soil again in a new form,

and into plants again - and on it goes, till I eventually return to the

atmosphere - where I can unite with my family.

A few thousand years later, I found Nattei and we reunited, but ourn

reunio was broken uprubtly. Before we could say goodbye, a bolt of

lightning separated us into new molocules of ammonia and nitrate. We

then fell down and re-entered soil in rain water, and off it went. the

same cycle. from plants to animals to soil to plants to animals to

soil to microorganisms then back into the waters and air.

Don't get me wrong. It's not that I fear adventures or only hang out

with family... I enjoy hanging out with friends too!! I may not support

life as oxygen does, but I'm life itself to the cells and tissues of

living organisms when I hang out with carbon and phosphorus. I - the

very same atom - alternate between being organic or inorganic. I feed

the earth. I prevent it from burning - but - there is a warning! I

can also poison if my cycles have been disrupted. Can you help me

stop that?

Il était une fois, je vivait dans la vaste étendue de l'atmosphère

terrestre. Je m'appelle Natomi. Un atome d'azote. Dans notre espèce

chimique, nous formons des liens forts les uns avec les autres.

Chaque couple est appelé N2. Nous sommes très importants pour

la vie. Ma famille et moi formons environ 78 % de l'atmosphère terrestre,

ce qui fait de nous l'espèce chimique la plus abondante dans l'air. Je

vis principalement dans l'atmosphère avec ma famille et mes pairs,

dérivant dans les cieux pendant des millions d'années, profitant de la

liberté du grand air.

Laissez-moi vous raconter certaines de mes aventures et les différentes

formes que j'ai rencontrées tout au long de ma longue vie;

Il y a quelques millions d'années, j'ai rencontré un ancien membre de ma

famille, un autre atome d'azote nommé Nate. Nous étions ravis de nous voir

et avons décidé de nous lier ensemble, formant une molécule d'azote gazeux

(N₂). Nous avons flotté ensemble, partageant des histoires de nos voyages et

des endroits où nous étions allés.

Nos retrouvailles furent cependant de courte durée, car nous fûmes bientôt

capturés par un groupe de bactéries fixatrices d'azote dans le sol. Ces

bactéries nous transformèrent chacun en ammoniac (NH₃). J'ai réalisé que

ce n'était qu'une autre étape de mon cycle sans fin. J'ai été absorbé par

les racines d'une plante voisine, où je suis devenu partie intégrante de

la structure de la plante. Je suis présent dans tous les organismes,

principalement dans les acides aminés (et donc les protéines), dans les

acides nucléiques (ADN et ARN) et dans la molécule de transfert d'énergie

adénosine triphosphate.

Au fur et à mesure que la plante grandit, je suis consommé par un animal

qui broutait. Je voyage à travers le corps de l'animal, devenant une partie

de ses tissus et l'aidant à devenir fort. Lorsque l'animal excrète des

déchets ou finit par mourir, je me retrouve dans le sol. Je me décompose à

partir d'autres éléments et tissus avec l'aide des archées, des bactéries

et des champignons. Puis, dans le sol à nouveau sous une nouvelle forme,

et dans les plantes à nouveau - et ainsi de suite, jusqu'à ce que je

retourne finalement dans l'atmosphère - où je peux me réunir avec ma


Quelques milliers d'années plus tard, j'ai retrouvé Nattei et nous nous

sommes réunis, mais notre réunion a été brutalement brisée. Avant que

nous puissions nous dire au revoir, un éclair nous a séparés en de

nouvelles molécules d'ammoniac et de nitrate. Nous sommes ensuite tombés

et sommes rentrés dans le sol avec l'eau de pluie, et c'est reparti.

Le même cycle. Des plantes aux animaux, du sol aux plantes aux animaux,

du sol aux micro-organismes, puis de retour dans les eaux et l'air.

Ne vous méprenez pas. Ce n'est pas que j'ai peur des aventures ou que je

ne passe pas de temps qu'avec ma famille... J'aime aussi passer du temps

avec des amis ! Je ne soutiens peut-être pas la vie comme le fait

l'oxygène, mais je suis la vie elle-même pour les cellules et les tissus

des organismes vivants lorsque je passe du temps avec du carbone et du


Je - le même atome - alterne entre l'organique et l'inorganique. Je

nourris la terre. Je l'empêche de brûler - mais - il y a un avertissement!

Je peux aussi empoisonner si mes cycles ont été perturbés. Pouvez-vous

m'aider à arrêter cela ?

Sunday, February 11, 2024

The Quartz Pyramid - The Sound of Quarks

The origin of gravity; the origin of life; the origin of mass; and the origin of blackholes and dark matter; postulated in a new theory of everything in the SciFi theme of time travel. Meet Darwin, Adam Smith, Ross Ashby, Ada Lovelace, Josephine Baker, and Linnaeus.

What are the 5 science cockups that screwed humanity and what is time? Is there a way forward?

Buy on Amazon. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Gender Equality in the Era of 'Human Augmentation': Technology Transfer for Conservation, Quality Education & Gender Equality; Case Studies from the Global South


side event to the 7th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology, and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum), to be held on 5-6 May 2022 by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Sustainable Development.

Gihan S. Soliman 

International Curricula Educators Association

Gender Equality in the Era of 'Human Augmentation': Technology Transfer for Conservation, Quality Education & Gender Equality; Case Studies from the Global South


Technology has surely enhanced human performance to an unprecedented level. Technology may also have its downside in that it intensifies inequality among people, genders, species, and nations. The 'Human Augmentation: The Dawn of a New Paradigm' is a recent publication by the UK Ministry of Defence designed to set the foundations for more detailed research and development of Human Augmentation. Human Augmentation [1], also known as, the Human Enhancement or Human 2.0 is not in fact a new concept. What’s new, and indeed considered a paradigm shift, is that the publication accepts Human Augmentation as a form of evolutionary advancement in the Darwinian sense (as seen in the illustration). A concept that I presented back nine years ago in a form of an Open Letter to the IUCN World Congress 2014 proposing that ‘We Are NOT just another species’ [2] and that the correction of the human taxonomic identity is way overdue; that we are rather a highly-complex kingdom of life, so to speak, comprising a biological, physical, and socioeconomic entanglement that I called the Homocybernetica [3]. The issue with the Human Augmentation perspective, though, is that it reduces the evolutionary advancement in the human organisation to a matter of ‘size’ with an implication that enhancement is guaranteed. It also represents human beings as mere users of technology and subject to its modification, disregarding the fundamental distinction as the ‘innovator’ or the maker of technology and thus overlooking the role of communication and socio-economics, as well as justice and equality in this evolution. Such disregard is alarming because technology is generally mediated by a socio-economic system deeply rooted in inequality and competition and might, if not appropriately addressed, continue to intensify injustice among people, genders and species - and that is a recipe for failure in the long run. The more viable route is to focus on the unity of kind, the role of communication, and the mobilisation of energy into our organisation through social and eco-friendly innovation not necessarily as a moral choice but simply for survival. We need to remember that the first form of technology was ‘making a fire’ and the first form of mass technology was organic agriculture and that augmentation does not necessarily make us better, more adaptive, or more efficient as the expression and illustration imply. Two study cases from Mexico (De la Chinampas) and Bolivia (PROINPA) showed alternative technology integrated successfully into the community with other non-invasive forms of technology to enhance production, social solidarity, and resilience while preserving the environment and species.

Reference List:

[1] Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm. 2021.A think-piece designed to set the foundation for more detailed research and development on human augmentation. Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom.

[2] G. Soliman. 2014.We are not Just another Species;An Open Letter to the IUCNWorld Park Congress 2014,Australia. International-Curricula Educators Association.Available at Accessed on 03/05/22.

[3] G. Soliman. 2019.‘Cybernetic Recombination, on the Biology of Technology, Revisiting Linnaeus Kingdom Minerals’ in G.Soliman. 2022.The Cybernetic Animal & the Shortfall in Taxonomy.The Cybernetic Society.Available at on 03/05/22.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Lest we get into the 'wrong trousers'! Why correcting taxonomy is essential for conservation.

Technology is a good friend but may be a bad master!


                                        Getting into the 'wrong trousers' can be dangerous!

Lest humanity get into the 'wrong trousers' and lose the battle of survival to our own 'inventions', we need to understand the position of machines as living-system as they evolve and the real position of the human kind in nature.   

The wrong trousers 


   Correcting the taxonomical identity of the human kind and technology is very significant to conservation of life as we realise that we don't and can't 'control' the evolution of machines but are perhaps still able to devise some legislations to protect the human kind from their rivalery. 

READ the Cybernetic Recombination & the Biology of Technolog to find out how bilogists missed out on technolgy as a form of life and on the correct position of the human kind in nature. 

The Cybernetic Recombination & the Biology of Technology is not a piece of science fiction, prediction or a clever projection but is a proposed correction of (biological) taxonomy to represent the status quo of humanity and life as is and has been for thousands of years based on evidence.

Copyrights October 2019 & Nov 2020



Thursday, November 12, 2020

On The Cybernetic Recombination and the Biology of Technology; Revisiting Linnaeus' Kingdom Minerals



Understanding the biology of technology is the only way - if any, to preserve nature and humanity.

This book is not a piece of science fiction, prediction or a clever projection but is a proposed correction of taxonomy to represent the status quo of humanity and life as is and has been for thousands of years.

Distinctive concepts presented in the book are:
  • The Cybernetic recombination (versus biological recombination and cosmological recombination).
  • The proposal that machines behave as species (associated organisms initially) backed by examples from nature and several illustrations.
  • The proposal that we are not just another species and the devaluation of Darwin's outdated proposition that the human intellect is only different from that of animals in degree not in kind.
  • Machines as a Cybernetic replicators (versus a biological replicator)
  • Culture as a virus-like DNA supplement (As presented by Leslie White -> Culture = Energy x Technology (C= E*T)).
  • A new taxonomic order comprising the contemporary human, culture, and machines (The Homocybernetica). 
  • The proposal to reinstate Linnaeus' Kingdom Minerals as a supra-domain of life to liberate biology from the limitation of protein.

Reviews are much appreciated.

Gihan Soliman

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Justice between humans and animals

Nature [1] has been said to work for the best of each "creature" (using Darwin's words). “She” (naturally) destroys the maladaptive traits and preserves the adaptive ones, leading to the continuation and amazing complexification of life. Individual organisms (including micro-organisms) often produce costly common goods and are preferential on whom would benefit from such common goods. Most organisms would help relatives because that is likely to perpetuate the kindness traits, otherwise, the common good would get plundered by “cheats” and “free-riders” who would not (by definition) contribute to the perpetuation of the genome/kind/species of the donor. This discrimination in itself ensures a sort of "justice" which often benefit the whole community/species/kind*.

The success of any species is tied up, surprisingly, to such discriminatory kindness. West et al (2006), explains an interesting experiment conducted on microorganisms communicating for the purpose of cooperation - necessary to perform several essential multicellular processes such as nutrient acquisition and dispersal. Some individuals in this bacteria groups namely Pseudomonas aeruginoshe produce a common good for the benefit of the group (sidrophores scavenging iron in this example), however, such production might be open to plunder by cheats within the same group, who do not produce such organic product and who would use the plundered sidrophores to out-number the altruistic productive individuals. When selfish individuals (cheats/mutants) out-number the altruistic one beyond the capacity of the patch/colony to provide nutrition and other essential organic products, the group inevitably perishes. West et al (2006), then explain how the altruistic bacteria uses two mechanisms to insure the sidrophores will be utilised exclusively by relatives (who according to the Kin selection theory, must be carrying the same altruistic traits and are thus likely to keep producing beneficial products for the survival of the colony), which may in turn, result in a potential inclusive fitness for the whole group. Those two mechanisms are the limited dispersal", and kin discrimination (the repression of competition). Kin recognition and kin discrimination in this example occur beyond the perception of the individuals while in higher organisms occur consciously, through the sensory system (based on physical characteristics such as the smell, features or location, as relatives tend to live in the same vicinity) (West et al, 2006).

The success of kin discrimination would naturally lead to the growth in number of the connected group and a gradual advancement of the organisation (Darwin, 1854; 1999), leading in turn to more growth in population (inclusive fitness). Now! In case of humans, this happen the other way round. Humans tend to think of the purpose of their actions and are capable of weighing possibilities against contextual and situational factors, relating this to past experience. This is called the faculty of "steermanship" (Weiner, 1948) or Cybernetics.

So while we are doing the same thing - in principle, the results are pretty much different. Humans' contribution to the welfare of their community do not always take the form of economic activities or biological production. How often we exchange materialistic/economic possession (represented in money) for recreational, spiritual, humanistic or artistic values. How often we feel estranged to some family members and close to strangers. Due to the faculty of observation, education and the use of cognitive artifacts, the human behaviour - as Darwin affirmed, is no longer governed by instincts but is rather a blend of natural dispositions ("social instincts"), social learning ("imitation and reinforcement") and values (morals), resulting in the evolution of morals, religions, education, cultures, social contracts, game theories, etc.

Great lawgivers, the founders of beneficent religions **, great philosophers and discoverers in science, aid the progress of mankind in a far higher degree by their works than by leaving a numerous progeny
                                                                                                                              (Darwin, 1854-99)From this argument we can see that species tend to work, consciously or unconsciously for the benefit of their kind, as part of their struggle to survive. In this context, justice (defined in light of collective-survival values) can replace kin discrimination, and as man advance in civilisation….


As man advances in civilization, and small tribes are united into larger communities, the simplest reason would tell each individual that he ought to extend his social instincts and sympathies to all the members of the same nation, though personally unknown to him. This point being once reached, there is only an artificial barrier to prevent his sympathies extending to the men of all nations and races.
                                                                                                                            (Darwin, 1854-99)


Nature in a Darwinian sense is the aggregate of natural laws and process
addressed as a singularity (Darwin, 1849-1871;1999)
This does not imply pre determinism ( see Park, 2007)
Park, J.H.(2007) Persistent Misunderstandings of Inclusive Fitness and Kin Selection: Their Ubiquitous Appearance in Social Psychology textbooks. Evolutionary Psychology – ISSN 1474-7049 – Volume 5(4). 2007-861
Caution must be practiced as we address the meaning of "beneficial religion". Evolutionary-wise, any moral system (or religion) that imposes a fixed code of conduct rather than a set of values, is maladaptive and pathogenic on the long run. 

West et al (2006) Altruism, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, School of Biological Sciences,
University of Edinburgh Current Biology, Vol 16 No 13 R482

Read more in the Conservation of the Homo sapiens; the survival of the Wise
All copyrights reserved.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Open Innovation in Life Science - Closing the Loop


The first decade of the 21th century has been noted to witness a decline in the pharmaceutical innovation (Kaitin and DiMasi, 2011), with some recent signs of revival (Ward, 2014). According to the Centre for Medicines Research International in the USA, the average success rate of bringing a new drug to the market has declined, since the mid-nineties. Failure occurs predominantly in the later phases of clinical testing, which makes them even more expensive. The business witnessed only 24 new-drug approvals by the United States Food and Drug Administration during 1998 with a $27 billion Research and Development (R&D) cost. However, the industry in 2006 spent $64 billion, for only 13 new drugs, making it to the market (Kaitin and DiMasi, 2011). Some have proposed that the traditional linear model of bioinnovation, is no longer viable, concluding the need for a "fully integrated pharmaceutical networks," (FIPNets/FIPCO) or simply an "ecosystem". In this essay I explore reasons and practicalities of turning to Open Innovation. I also argue a potential enhancement in the quality of input into the earlier phases of drug production, with fungal conservation and bioprospecting as a case in point.

Download the paper





How far can our kind be trusted on geoengineering?

 How far can our kind be trusted on geoengineering?
A multi-disciplinary account of global governance issues in light of Holistic Darwinism


Gihan Sami Soliman

International-Curricula Educators Association


Would a human kind comprising an estimated number of 700 million of hungry people (WFP, 2014), while wasting one third of its food be entrusted on geoengineering the climate for ecological restoration? The humanity complaining today about the depletion of fossil fuel and global warming, while the little bit of sunlight falling on earth for one hour meets the world's energy demands for an entire year?! (Inslee et al, 2008). How much of today's hunger, misery and fears are all about politics and governance? Perhaps the greatest deal!

          Fears of a man-made doomsday has been lingering there for a few decades, expressed in several forms and cultures (Preston, 2012; Ginn, 2015); but officially by the publication of the “Limits to Growth” – 1972 (Hall, 2009). This seems to have been pushing humanity away from the “individualism” (Encyclopaedia Britannica) associated with the Laissez-faire economy of the traditional liberalism, justified at a time by what is known as the “Social Darwinism”, towards a sort of global solidarity enthusiasm – at least in principle.

[[ Read the whole paper ]]

What is this about?

Each science domain expresses geoenigneering in a different way, and in different jargons. I integrated the different perspectives together, expressed in one simple language. The conclusion is that we have been already been manipulating the ecology for decades, by manipulating nature's fundamentals, till we've reached the current accumulative situation. As an educator, I plan my lesson in line with the objectives defined by the Bloom's Taxonomy. In the psychomotor dimension of the Blooms Taxonomy, and at its highest level, there is manipulation! Manipulation of Nature's fundamentals is what we teach our children to be good at, on a vocational level. So it is only the level of awareness and the consensus on the convenient action that makes today's proposed "geoengineering" called as such, not the action itself. This consensus is the real problem! Science says that decreasing atmospheric carbon dioxide today will not alone solve the problem, and governments might have to take actions in case of emergency, if the weather takes a sudden dangerous turn. But because there is a trust issue, and lack of science integration - to help us see the whole picture, we are reluctant to discuss it or study it further. This paper presents an integrated vision of the case and calls for more studies on geoengineering.



By Gihan Sami Soliman
About the blogger

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Science Across Egypt© - CIRCULARITY & COMPLEXITY

Since 2008 I have been working on linking science education to the community in Egypt. Many people worked on that but my programmes had two areas of distinction that have been expressed in  several articles; initiatives, books and project designs, that I produced over several years of activism.

First: Complexity
1.1. The complexity of integrated management.
1.2. The complexity of science integration: Where natural sciences meet with social sciences through the cross-curricular activities in relation to the surrounding environment.
Although I designed and own the copyrights and prototypes of my projects, they all depend on integrated management and science integration. This means that a programme cannot run totally by me or any single person. Any programme whether Science Across Egypt© ,  IPNAMME© , Sinai Sustainability Cyberneitcs Center© , Egypt's Got Talents©  and most recently the Sustainability Cybernetics Journal©  must be managed by a homogenous team of leaders from different disciplines, to produce a unique integrative task.
For example, the basic implementation team of Science Across Egypt© was:

*   Me - as an educational consultant, and Dr Ahmed Abdel Azeem. Others who contributed to the programme;
Ahmed Gheith, Scientific illustrator; Dr Mohamed Abdel Motaleb,  Nile University; Jonty Lycock, Red Sea Research; Miss Shyamaa & Israa Mahmoud and Mrs Iman Kamal, Qawmia American School Agouza and others.
* The basic implementation team of Sinai Sustainability Cybernetics Center© was me, Maged Al-Saied and Dr Waleed Sadek;

*  The basic team for  Egypt's got Talents© was me and my dear friend and great artist Khaled Hamed;
*   The basic team for implementation of the IPNAMME© project is huge and will be announced soon.

Second: Circularity

2.1. Circularity of on-going self-reform and progress.

Circularity of the on-going self-reform, based on a proposed causal circular relationship between quality education and sustainable development/protection of the environment. All the projects, in terms of mission, are meant to produce an autonomy of reform in the educational system (building a second-order cybernetic model of education for sustainable development) .

2.2. Circularity of finance:

In terms of finance, the Science Across Egypt - as an award-winning project, did not depend on extra spending on education from parents, schools, the government or any external fund - which why it won the Educating Africa Awards 2011 for entrepreneurship in education. It "pays itself".

Science Across Egypt depended in its first phase on my educational consultancy for international schools seeking accreditation in Egypt, as well as general teacher training to produce the autonomy of self-reform. Schools already pay for quality assurance and teacher training to get accredited (according to the Egyptian laws which link accreditation to licencing international school). As an educational expert in the international educational system in Egypt - due to being in (administrative) charge of the regional office of one of the American accrediting association in Egypt 2005-2007, I was hired by schools to conduct the self- study, guide their quality control process prior to accreditation and as well as the design/development of curricula/extra curricular activities. This process involved management of the school activities at the time of the self-study and a power to hire teachers as well as recruiting volunteers who were willing to give a hand.


Worthy to make the point here that the "international-education" in Egypt - and the Middle East in general, has a different notion than the one commonly used in the West. It is of Egyptian students studying international curricula. International education is a huge business in Egypt so the  number of international schools is shockingly high but unannounced (you have to count the schools through the different accrediting organisations or know by first-hand experience as I do -  being a successful business used as a backdoor to universities to escape the difficult and highly competitive "Thanawya Amma" Egyptian high schooling. The programme also comprised other nationwide and international raising-awareness campaigns, research and publications.

Science Across Egypt Activities: Integration of sciences + community participation @ Qawmia American School 2012

 I write to wrap up an approach in education and in acknowledgement of the role of each one who collaborated either as hired or voluntarily or who is willing to collaborate in the future, but specially in acknowledgment of the role of Dr Ahmed Abdel Azeem in implementing the Science Across Egypt©  project and to thank him for what he said in  his most recent Radio interview - which I have just been forwarded, about our previous collaboration.

Unfortunately, sustainability is not separate from politics and equality issues in the Middle East.

In spite of the heavy persecution - which drove me out of Egypt March 2013 - because of my religion and my activism as a Coptic independent female*, all of the models I instituted are now alive, autonomous and thriving. It is rewarding to see the fruit of my well-documented activism blooming, even if I was denied the appreciation sometimes. However, I keep a public account and documentation of my voluntary activities and research on this blog [MY OWN EDUCATION] as a love letter for my children and next generations hopefully reading: Appreciated or not, this is (as I aspire) my modest contribution to "advancing the human organisation", with much love.

 * 2011-2013 was a hard time for women in general and Coptic women in particular. For a Coptic independent female activist it was a hell.

a) An article about a Christian woman on the path of emigration by Dr Mostafa Alnagar March 2013
b) A presentation at the Amnesty International York (2014)on Women's day about women in Egypt at that time. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


لسنا كباقي الكائنات

This open letter has been e-mailed to the IUCN World Park Congress 2014.


The letter/study is:

- about the necessity of collective self-awareness, unity and global governance.
An argument that the human kind is not just another species and that based on our extended phenotype we qualify as a separate kingdom of life; a sociophysiobiological kingdom with an illustration of a "Cybernetic Phylogeny";

- an expression of the human life-organisation in light of the "living-system theory" (Grier Miller cited in Umpleby, 2007), the "structure determinism" (Maturana and Valera, 1928) and the "Holistic Darwinism" (Corning, 1997).

The letter/study brings no new scientific discovery to the table, but by harnessing the existent knowledge through cybernetics, as I propose, a new multi-perspective model of the human life-organisation has simultaneously emerged.

I call this perspective: The Real-living-system.

Monday, March 9, 2015

السيبرنطيكا ، نطاق الدوائر وتكامل العلوم

سيكون هذا المقال موجزاً بمناسبة دعوتي للمشاركة بمنتدي قادة الشباب العالمي التابع لمنتدى الإقتصاد العالمي 
، للمشاركة في ورش القوى العاملة بدعم الإقتصاد التدويري
WEF YGL Circular Economy Taskforce Speaker Series Invite
والتي يجتمع فيها قادة هذا النوع من الإقتصاد الصديق للبيئة دورياً لتبادل الخبرات والمنافع والتخطيط لترويج هذا النوع المفيد من الأعمال. أحضر ورش العمل بصفتي "عضو ضيف" Guest Member ، وهي صفة دائمة تمت دعوتي إليها هذا العام تقديراً - كما نصت الدعوة - لدوري القيادي التطوعي في دعم الإقتصاد التدويري.
وللتوضيح فإن ديناميكية التدوير لها عدة مفاهيم وتتصل إتصالاً مباشرا ً بجوهر الكتب والنماذج والإستشارات الفنية والتربوية التي أقدمها منذ أعوام و بموضوع "السيبرنطيكا".
والسيبرنطيكا نطاق من نطاقات المعرفة والإدراك وليس علماً مستقلاً ويعرف في العالم العربي بعلم التحكم الآلي وهو فهم وإن صح فهو شديد القصور.
فالسيبرنطيقا من المجالات شديدة التعقيد ومتعددة التعريفات وكنت أول من صمم نموذج له في مجال التعليم والإدارة المتكاملة للموارد في مشروع 
مركز سيناء لسيبرنطيكا التنمية 
Sinai Sustainability Cybernetics Center © 
  والذي أملك حقوق ملكيته الفكرية نموذجاً وسرداً وقددخل التصفيات النهائية لمسابقة
MITEF Pan Arab Region
،  ولم أتمكن بشرحه في صورته النهائية وحضور التصفيات بسبب إجرائات الهجرة.، فوراء كل خط في المشروع تخطيط وتنسيق وعمل وحسابات وشراكات وهو ما يعتمد عليه المشروع من جهة الإدارة المتكاملة .

السيبرنطيكا في أبسط تعريف هي نطاق إدراك الدوائر وعلم تكامل العلوم ولها أيضاً تعريفات أخرى كثيرة - وأحياناً متناقضة - حتى سميت بعلم التعقيد. وقد كتبت في موضوع تكامل العلوم والمشاركة المجتمعية  ٣-٣-٢٠١٢ ونشره الأستاذ العظيم هاني سلام في جريدته العظيمة ولكن لطول المقال كما نبهني بما لا يصلح لهذا النوع من الصحافة قام بتضمينه فيرملف وورد وأرفقه للتنزيل ولكن كثيرون يفتحون الصفحة ولا 
 ينتبهون لوجود المرفق فلا يقرئون الموضوع كاملاً.
وقد نشرت حتى الآن ثلاثة كتب في هذا المجال ورسالة مفتوحة لمركز صون الطبيعة وبحثين عن الأخلاقيات البيئة وعن الهندسة البيئية سأقوم بالكتابة عنها تباعاً للمهتمين بمجالات الفيزياء و الطبيعة و الإستدامة والإقتصاد في علاقتهم بالبيئة وببعضهم البعض.
وتعتبر نظرية الأنظمة الحية الحقيقية هي أول مصالحة حقيقية بين العلوم حيث يمكن التعبير عن الكائنات الحية بشكل متعدد الأبعاد ومفهوم عبر التخصصات العلمية المختلفة وبلا تعارض.

وللحديث بقية ..

Friday, March 6, 2015

Cybernetic - Illustrations & designs

Illustrations from:

* the Conservation of the Homo sapiens: The survival of the Wise; on the Cybernetics of Education.

The Cybernetics of Education©
Shows how education shapes our humanity and the environment.

Quality education and sustainable development: A circular causal relationship©.

The Cybernetics Phylogeny©

(The Real-living-system perspective©)
My proposal that human kind is a sociophysiobiological kingdom© and not just another species.

> An evolutionary simplified perspective of education for sustainable development©. 

Education for Sustainable Development

> Cycle of Human Needs©
To propose that human needs go in a cycle rather than an hierarchy.

> Democracy and violence against women - The vicious circle.

> The design of Sinai Sustainability Cybernetics Center©
Sinai Sustainability Cybernetics Center (the Narrative)

Sinai Sustainability Cybernetics Center (TV interview - Arabic)
One minute video. (28/01/2013)
TV interview (Arabic)

> Dynamic Permaculture preliminary designs [IPNAMME]

> Innovation Cycle - Life Science, added on 06/05/2015.